“Are you ready for the new normal?”
With no signs of the pandemic situation getting better anytime soon, MGC New Life Christian Academy’s (MGCNLCA) Outreach Ministry invited pediatric infectious disease expert Dr. Anna Lisa Ong-Lim and osteopathic expert Dr. John Paul Prado to speak about being ready in the “New Normal.” The webinar was held last August 21, 2021, from 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM, via Zoom and Facebook Live.
In her talk entitled “The Paindemic: Updates on Emerging Variants,” Ong-Lim addressed three questions: “What are variants?” “Why are they important?” and “How can we be protected?”
“Variants arise as mutations of living organisms. We are told in the Scripture that living things are told to go forth and multiply, and they do exactly that,” Ong-Lim explained. She noted that when viruses reproduce, their genetic sequences sometimes have minor changes that might make them better at transmitting, just like the Delta variant. She also mentioned that the more a virus spreads, the more chances it will have to mutate.
Ong-Lim continued to speak about the four variants of concern: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta—with Delta as the most concerning. She contrasted the original strain of COVID-19 and the Delta variant, saying that the Delta variant has a higher infection rate, virulence, and threshold for herd immunity.
The pediatric infectious disease expert reasoned that as the virus spreads, the chance of new variants is unavoidable. She said that understanding how the variants arise gives us an idea of how to address the detectable variants in the future.
Ong-Lim stated that the most efficient way to stop the pandemic is prevention rather than managing new variants when they come. She concluded by advising the audience to prioritize vaccination, decrease the time between detecting symptoms and getting a COVID-19 test, and follow protocols such as wearing masks and face shields outdoors.
Meanwhile, Dr. John Paul Prado discussed how working online affects one’s posture and health in the second session about ergonomic work and school from home. Prado advised the attendees to sit properly and have good posture so as not to crush their organs. He also recommended the attendees to take breaks after prolonged gadget use to avoid eye strain, to exercise regularly, and to drink plenty of water.