With the Year of the Rabbit underway, MGC New Life Christian Academy’s (MGCNLCA) Student Government (SG) held Chinatown, a four-day celebration of the Lunar New Year from January 23 to 26, 2023, for the whole school to enjoy.
The week-long event started with a Chinese-themed fair at the school gym on Monday, January 23. Students from the Lower Primary to Senior High School gathered to participate in activities such as the Wish Wall, the Hong Bao Tree Raffle, and the Chinese tongue twister. A Wushu martial arts and dance performance and a giant inflatable slide were particularly popular among the attendees.
A Ping Pong Competition was held on the second day, while a Chinese Singing Competition sparked the interest of the entire school community on the third day. Intermission numbers from Galilee students, selected supervisors and teachers, and a guest judge became a highlight for many of the audience members during the contest.
The Mini Games on Thursday marked the end of Chinese week as students participated in games like Eagle Chicken, Chinese Trivia, Mai Tong Xi, and Chinese Garter.